Animal: Jerry the Jolly Jaguar. We picked the jaguar because they are extremely powerful, huge predators, and can sneak up on others easily. We are also a fierce team. Plus, he’s jolly like us.
Motto: We will win it all. No matter what........even if Jerry has to help us.
This is our motto because it simply states the truth for our team. We are a driven team and won’t accept losing. We WILL win. And since we packed Jerry with us, he can help us out if needed.
10 Items:
1. Jerry (not Springer) the Jolly Jaguar (mainly because we couldn't find anyone to take care of him while we're gone. I don't know why though... He hasn't bit THAT many people)
2. Nundu Repellent ('Cause I don't want wanna get eaten by one of those things)
3. A Shotgun (Why not? Oh, but we couldn’t bring any ammo for it )
4. A dufflebag full of disposable cameras (For all the memories we'll make.....)
5. Lots of Plug-in Air Fresheners (You never know when an eagle will have gas....and maybe we’ll find some plugs so we can use them. Who knows?)
6. Maple Syrup (For waffle day .......there IS going to be waffle day isn't there?)
7. A Grand Piano (Because Roxi has to keep practicing...its also good for those broadway sing-alongs)
8. Survival Guide to the Wild (Still haven't figured out why we need this.....Maybe its our toliet paper or something....)
9. A high- tech GPS system (for when we get lost...everyday...)
10. Tons of water (because we all need to be hidrated!)
Animal: 45 Points
Motto: 32.5 Points
10 Items: 100 Points
Awards: 10 Points
Total: 187.5 Points