
Safari Guides Wild Card African Adventourists Jolly Watalii Serengeti Searching Bush Babies Caravan Crew


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Task 1 - Caravan Crew

Motto and Animal:

Our Motto and animal information may be found in this video:

(please note our mascot animal is wearing a Caravan Crew T-Shirt)

Our 10 items:

1. Luna Lovegood's lion hat
2. Everlasting icicle
3. Biodegradable toilet paper
4. Maravillas' massage table
5. A toiletries and makeup train case (filled to the brim with cosmetics and other necessities such as Mara's shampoo, both dry and wet)
6. An emergency portkey back home that is shaped like a dalek
7. A pop up four room wizard's tent with a nice bathroom suitable for 4 girls
8. A huge solar powered Air Conditioner
9. Muffins
10. Painting/Portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black


Animal: 45 Points
Motto: 42.5 Points
10 Items: 100 Points
Awards: 10 Points
Total: 197.5 Points

Task 1 - Entries

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind."