Time Travelers

Dalek Deities Old Timers Time Flyers Panopticon


Time Travel Battle The Time Machine Hunt Through Eras Locating Landmarks Postcards from Time Crystal Hoarders


Camp Archives The Roost Roost Common Room HOL

Task 4 - Postcards from Time

What is the fun of journeying through time if you can't meet with some historical figures and have actual adventures? In this task, you're requested to tell us all about your wonderful experiences while time-traveling in postcard-style writing. The postcard can be directed to anyone you like, and your job is to impress us with your creativity. You may (and are encouraged) to include any historical figures, fictional or not (anyone watched Lost in Austen? Yeah, visiting the Bennets is an option!) and show us how you may or may not have messed with history (don't worry, we'll magically fix everything once your journey is over!).

While the task says "postcard", you may write up to 1000 words maximum in case your story is simply too exciting to be written in few words. You also may include pictures of this particular journey to make it even more real! When else are you going to get to wear ancient gowns and funny-looking skirts that those men wore during the Roman Empire? You can use any pictures you find in the internet for this (nothing copyrighted, of course) or if you're not that good with graphics, there are a lot of dollmaker sites that can satisfy your costume needs. Just mix and match the media as you like; we just want it to look shiny!

Can't wait to hear from you!

First Place - Old Timers

Thyme One:

Yup, that's us. From left to right Tory, Gert and Alita. We're having a grand old thyme. Sun beating down. Heat totally unbearable. We found it easier and cooler to walk in the water where everything is in some state of decay. The smell was enough to bring a corpse back to life. Alita has this intensely cool Drawing Quill that floats in the air sketching Kodak Moments like this one here: Amazingly impossible animals grazing water plants behind us, knats the size of bats trying to get through the Protego spell we had to put up just to keep from being eaten alive (no mercy, go for the throat knat attacks). Up to our ankles in a prehistoric soup of mud, muck and dinosaur piss. No thyme either. We will however make a killing on the paleo-seed sale to paleo-botany geeks back in our own time which will help pay for some of the expenses like the new hat Alita is going to have to get before she fries her brains.

Why are we all looking up? A dinosaur bird thingy just swooped down from out of the blue and was probably thinking "Alita Burrito" but the Protego spell not only saved her from the knats but 13-inch talons as well!

Thyme picture nº2

Come on in! The water is too fab for words! Nothing like a hot steamy bath after all that dinosaur muck-o. Once Rosa, Morag and the rest of the lassies got back to the time machine. Where we continued to do what we seem to do best: Nothing constructive. I've noticed that botanists can be a little one-track minded. Look at Neville Longbottom. Plants. Plants. Plants. Was there anything else ever going on in his head (other than the Voldemort thingy, but that was just a one shot deal and then back to normal life...). We invited everyone along for a dip in the famous hot baths in what would one day be Budapest (Hungry). Tory got a little carried away. We had gone directly out to gather up some thyme plants and their corresponding soil before heading to the baths. We left all the paraphanalia off in the ship and got some towels and stuff. Tory came bustling behind with a cute little basket filled with little chinese steamer baskets. "Dim Sum and steamed vegetables, anybody?" she chirped, "I've been saving them in the freezer for just the right moment." And off we went for our cross-cultural, thymely little lunch.

Thyme photo nº3 (bis)

Flopsy, Mopsy and Peter Cottontail high-tailing it out of Farmer McGregor's garden. The Kodak-moment Quill was scratching so fast it was like to set the scratch pad on fire! Gert was throwing off Confundus Charms like a maniac so there were some really confused native Yukatan Peninsula warriors out there that afternoon stampeeding after three very rowdy bodacious girls. OK. See the guy in the fancy get up?

That dude is not entirely in the wrong. See the green weeds in the box that Alita and Tory are hauling away? That green herb turned into a slimy black pulp when mashed producing an emerald green dye that did not fade... ever. Even before it became twice as extinct as the Dodo Bird, wash after wash, the green only seemed to get brighter. Worth it's weight in platinum. Better than coal-tar dyes by half. The high priests would get all dressed up in white linen and run a marathon. By the time they got back to the temple, they would be sweating like a cold jug of lemonade on a hot summer's afteroon. The suit of linen clothes would be sopping wet. They would immediately hop into huge caldrons filled with the black pulp. A reaction to their sweat in the cloth would dye the cloth emerald green. Not only that but it smelled great, so great that you didn't know if you should drink it or dye your shirts in it. Unfortunately you actually did succumb and took a taste, you dropped dead on the spot. The herb was in high demand for the cying properties as much for the very fashionable colour. If anyone tried to steal the herb and got caught, they would be forced to run in circles at high noon, thrown into the dye vats and then forced to drink some of the goop. Bad news all round. So it's no wonder our girls are headed down river as fast as their Indiana Jones boots will let them.

Just so's you know: We got away and took our Thyme/Time Machine to 1856 to visit William Perkin, the guy who figured out coal tar dyes while working on quinine synthesis. We sold him the box you see in the picture for a tidy sum. Explained the process to him and the rest is history.

Judges' Comments

This. Is. Just. Amazing. I love your drawing so much! And how it blends in nicely with the photograph background! And how descriptive your stories are, which made me feel like I was really there. Those are definitely some Kodak moments you showed us! And once again you've done your homework and showed how knowledgable you all are in this awesome submission. - 25 TC

Absolutely superb! I mean... WOW! The details in both the drawings and the stories! I especially love how they are tied together with the story of your time machine and all that required thyme! - 25 TC

For the other entries, click here.

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind."