
The H.E.A.L.E.R.S. El Brujos Jolly Green Wizards Bugbite Brigade

Newbie Camp

Camp Leaders Participants Activities


Archaeologists' Pride Artefact Discovery Adventure Across the World Pictures Tell a Thousand Tales Major Finds

Exotic Locations

Camp Archives The Roost HOL

Jolly Green Wizards

Adelline Aldridge is a third year eagle. She was nominated to be the captain of The Jolly Green Wizards this summer. Her concern and motherly instinct helped keep everyone as healthy and happy as they could be!

Zoki Phantom is going into his second year in Ravenclaw. He is goofy and fun loving, and we don't know what we would have done without him telling stories along the way!

Lilly Piper is the oldest member of our camp, as she is going into her fourth year at HOL! She was in charge of all the camp songs, and we just couldn't help but sing along!

Elysa Nemeth is a second year eagle. We were quite impressed by her vast knowledge of the ancient areas we were seeing. She knows how to teach us and never be boring!

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind."