Best Leader - Adelline Aldridge
Best Camp Spirit (The H.E.A.L.E.R.S.) - Ellie Warhol
Best Camp Spirit (El Brujos) - Kiri Galdor
Best Camp Spirit (Jolly Green Wizards) - Zoki Phantom
Most Active Member - Ellie Warhol
Camp Name Contest Winner - Severus McGonagall ("Aestas Provocatio")
Camp Motto Contest Winner - Zoki Phantom ("Wealth is more than you primarily see--sometimes you have to search and dig for it!")
Most Observant Archaeologist - Gustavo Flores
Puzzling Archaeologists - Severus McGonagall, Ellie Warhol, Elysa Nemeth, Zoki Phantom, Kiri Galdor, Gustavo Flores
Best Roleplayer - Zoki Phantom and Jolly Green Wizards