The Cabins

Bald Eagle Crowned Eagle Golden Eagle Bugbite Brigade

Newbie Cottages

Tiki Tent Purple Pavillion Mini-Orientation Activities

The Collections

Ice Breakers Campfire Songs Ghost Stories Roasted Marshmallows Nature Calls Cabin Awards


Roasted Marshmellow

Roasting marshmellows has become a slight tradition when camping season is at its finest. Come on, now, you would have to agree that standing over the fire making sure that your marshmellow turns a nice crispy brown (and not a burnt black!). Well, the eagles here had a little bout of creativity, and while some roasted marshmellows, others turned them into sculptures!

The following are the submissions (by cabin rank):

First Place: Bald Eagle Cabin

Dariya Akimova (Winning Marshmellow Picture)

Momoko Asakura

Momoko Asakura

Second Place: Crowned Eagle Cabin

Niniel Sanders

Niniel Sanders

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind. Where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind."